Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quick Fix: Site Update

Just figured I'd post a quick fix to bring folks attention to a few things.

1) I've added a Writing/Fiction link under Navigation on the right. From time to time I'll be posting writing works there, mostly stuff written for fun or related to games I am in or running. Currently, the only thing there is my answer to Chuck Wendig's "Shackleton's Whiskey" flash fiction challenge. More will go up over time, so check it out on occasion.

2) While I don't have an ETA, a new update of Unsung Heroes (also available on the right) will be going up soon. I am going to take a stab at setting the layout with Scribus or some other program (any suggestions?) to get some experience at doing, well, layouts for RPGs.

3) Finally, the plan is to keep going with a new blog post every Monday through Friday. However, the semester is not getting less busy as it goes on right now, so it is possible the occasional day or two may be late. I'll try to have word up if a post is going to be late or missing, but if one isn't up at 8 AM EST, check back at 5 PM and there should be something up.

That's it for the updates for now. The site has been going for a year, and I think it's been going well. Hopefully it can continue to do so.

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